Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sri Aurobindo's prose can be very dense and difficult but most rewarding

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party (2007). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

8 hours ago — The first Speaker of Lok Sabha, Shri GV Mavalankar, appointed a committee to ... B R Ambedkar, Lala Lajpat Rai and Sri Aurobindo) were in its precincts.

10 hours ago  Our Constitution, he says, must recover the Dharmic element as outlined by Sri Aurobindo. Our Dharma is basically one of tolerance, forbearance and patience ...
18 hours ago — According to Sri Aurobindo, full yogic development consists of two parts: the standard yogic goal of ascent into a formless and timeless self, and the descent ...
22 hours ago — The Life Divine (6) Book One Chapters 17-20 | TH 407. Video in Hindi. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Sri Aurobindo Society, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
23 hours ago — 2023 Sri Aurobindo Integral Yoga Retreat. Wednesday Evening July 5-Sunday Noon July 9. Greenville Marriott, Greenville, S.C.. For additional information.
22 hours ago — CWSA · SABCL · ARYA · Talks · Documents · Correspondence · About Sri Aurobindo ... Sortilege · Bibliography · Quotes by Sri Aurobindo · Quotes by The Mother ...
21 hours ago — Many spiritual teachers are quoted throughout the book, such as Carl Jung, Thomas Berry, Sri Aurobindo Bose, Abhishiktananda, Sarah Rudin, the Upanishads, ...
4 hours ago — ... World Happiness Day celebrations held at the farmhouse of a French resident Yamuna David of Auroville, where people from other associations also joined.
At least five reputed Indian newpaper/magazine editors that I know of have apparently shared the same view that there are no tapes as described. They aren't Sanghi or Modi mouthpieces. Questioning Ayyub becomes a fraught and divisive act in liberal circles. 3/
“Those mocking the new Parliament house with the #Sengol housed in it are the same forces which have been trying to retard our cultural self-articulation and self-possession” - My take: #NewParliament4NewIndia #MyParliamentMyPride
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aurobindo is superior philosophically. but not yet well explored due to hard language and non available translations.
Pore felo. Read in bengali if you can rather than English. As essence to some extent is always lost in translation. His prose can be very dense and difficult but most rewarding. It is obvious if you read even a little bit that here is a truly spiritually enlightened person.
I absolutely support Acharya 's views that Brahmins must get out of politics/Public offices and focus on Dharma, knowledge, family and self well being. If society needs then help if not, sit on side and preserve what we can
One thing I really admire - While most of the Star Journalists have become mouthpiece of Government and crawling before them, the Top Cartoonists in India have their spine intact and holding Government accountable through their Art.
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In my opinion Sri Aurobindo's commentaries on various Upanishads are best. Some parts available here on
Ppl with good character veer to Sri Aurobindo, I found. And it's apparent in Danino (Judaic ancestry) & Semenenko (Rus). But neither quite the defn of W. Good ppl are rare so I value them. I object to Indian Hs holding W converts up to Hs as our examples, as was done in this TL.
Poornananda Swami Wealth I ask not, hope nor love, Nor a friend to know me; All I ask, the heaven above, And the road below me. - R. L. Stevenson Read a pen-portrait by Batti at #SriAurobindo #TheMother
India's King Elixabeth. Seriously, this seems brought on by competitive jealousy about Charles' coronation (h/t and img credit ⁦⁩)
How congress would have inaugurated new parliament of India if they were in power: #SengolOfIndia
Nehruvian India is where Hindu values like inclusiveness and pluralism are termed "Nehruvian" while Nehruvian rate of growth due to socialist policies is termed "Hindu rate of growth". It's not negative, it's evil.
If buildings made a modern democracy, Afghanistan under the Taliban would also be one. After all, it has a pretty modern Parliament building gifted by India (it was inaugurated by Modi too).
Westerners avoid India in their sociopolitical studies. Their philosophy is still more protected. City dwellers in India, similarly, keep the rural population and their deprivation outside their mental horizon. Twitter debates are good examples of it. Return to real issues needed.
But, unfortunately, he didn't follow Sri Aurobindo's path of Integral Yoga.
There are many books and video channels. You can find fine introductory material by google search.
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Translations in at least fifteen different languages are available at
Sri Aurobindo declared his #FiveDreams in his radio broadcast on August 14, 1947. Granting Sovereignty to the States and creating a loose Federation can foster the creation of a #WorldUnion, his third dream. This will facilitate other neighboring nations to join in, voluntarily.
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It stems from self-interest, the basic instinct for survival.
Nehru was in the wrong and Modi is equally confused now. Sri Aurobindo wrote his major works between 1914 and 1921 but his famous contemporaries like Nehru, Gandhi, Tagore, M.N. Roy, Patel, Rajaji, Radhakrishan, Periyar, Ambedkar, Savarkar, J.P., Lohia, et al chose to ignore him.
Savitri Era Party has been cautioning against the prevailing ideologies on the strength of Sri Aurobindo's Vedic cosmology & Evolutionary vision. Not many in our country are trained adequately in this Integral worldview as most have an axe to grind. Nanyah pantha vidyate ayanaya.
Democracy means electing the ruler which entails working out different formulas for securing a majority. Understandably, the urge for employing new strategies is always there. "Appeal to emotion is characterized by the manipulation of the people's emotions in order to win" votes.
Dynamics of democracy are bound to weaken the citizen. The ruler would like to treat people as herds. Most will fall in that trap. Difficult to walk with one's conscience intact but that is the challenge. Right education and ethical orientation come to the rescue, at this point.
Because Thou Art: Sri Aurobindo does not limit consciousness as mere intelligence Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006) and President, Savitri Era Party (2007). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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