Thursday, August 01, 2024

Sri Aurobindo is not an exclusivist advocate of Hindu chauvinism

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

AuroPublications, the publications division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, publishes spiritually themed books and creates multimedia and audio-visual ...
17 minutes ago — This is the website of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a community in Pondicherry, South India.
23 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo was an Indian philosopher, yogi, maharishi, poet, and Indian nationalist. His thoughts and ideas on education were quite reformative, the quote ...
21 hours ago — India is celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the greatest Avatar of the 20th century, Sri Aurobindo. All kinds of articles, essays and books have come out, ...
It is said, 'One cannot make a heap without making a hole', one cannot enrich oneself without impoverishing someone else. Is this true? If someone has acquired ...
17 hours ago — There is not one man in a million who would have the strength, the quiet calm to face the circumstances if he knew them in advance.
21 hours ago — Standing at Thy Altar O Lord Supreme : Pledge Song to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother by PED A beautiful Audio on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother written by ...
6 hours ago — Page 1.
Poems of Narad - Poems To Mary Helen - She Has Travelled long Towards the Light. 1 view · 46 minutes ago ...more. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo : E-library.
Celebrating the Centenary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Pondicherry. April 4, 1910. "A Centenary's Salutations to Sri Aurobindo" is a musical ...
10 hours ago — M. Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Ghosh in order to understand to what extent the language of the ancient sages and rishis is still accessible to our understanding ...
18 hours ago — The Sri Aurobindo Association of America (SAA) is a California nonprofit organization whose mission is to be of service to groups and individuals devoted to ...
14 hours ago — 'Sri Aurobindo' by Roshen Dalal and 'Bondhu' by Kunal Sen are two unputdownable biographies among the Valley of Words' shortlist for best non-fiction...
Savitri Satsang with Narad - 21 March 2024. 4 views · 45 minutes ago ...more. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo : E-library. 10.5K.
... Chattopadhyay - Poems and Plays - Forgiveness (Read by Narad). 3 views · 27 minutes ago ...more. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo : E-library. 10.5K. Subscribe.
18 hours ago — Sushma Shethna is a truly blessed pilgrim on the path of Integral Yoga, inspired by the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. With a Bachelor's degree ...
4 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo gives a 3 level process to this: L1 - Decoupling action from outcomes L2 - Abandoning the sense of 'doership' L3 - Stilling to let divine will ...

Kindly indicate exactly where the Raja has "promoted Christian ideals as being superior to Hindu traditions". If anything, my examination of the Raja's work plus the reception of that work by some of the best minds of Modern India (Vivekananda, Rabindranath, Aurobindo) made me conclude that the Raja has always everywhere tried to uphold the Hindu religious and intellectual traditions, even when it concerns universal themes -- such as a 'universal religion'. More in my upcoming book.

CIC’s 2nd show cause notice to Secretariat, AV Foundation: 

“two years had elapsed” after an RTI application for a copy of an audit report on a housing project; “was not able to submit a proper reply” at the hearing of the Commission #SriAurobindo #TheMother #Auroville

In this video snippet, Mohit Bansal explains Sri Aurobindo's stages for national unity: build a common social order, establish political organization, and promote internal development. India's vastness and diversity tolerance delayed unity but avoided class conflicts. Watch the full talk here: #SangamTalks

The problem with science as a stand-in for religion was articulated clearly by Aurobindo. Science is a system of verification and archival of facts (as in contingent [mis]steps on the way towards truth) but there is nothing in science to necessitate the transformation of the knowledge worker. In that sense it is counter to the will to power inherent to human being which is at root aspirational. We seek power not merely knowledge. Yoga, as Aurobindo relates, is exactly the working out of man's aspirational nature through very practical psychology. Yet it is not limited to a flatland plane of mental discursion (as in Western psychology) but assimilative of metaphysics.

I think Sri Aurobindo saw the importance of the sacred geography of Punjab & Sindh (under present Pakistan) which is why he supported a unified India even with separate electorates. Ironically with the polarized voting of Muslims in India separate electorate has bcome a reality.

To really understand Sri Aurobindo's position one has to read his "5-dreams" AIR Tiruchirapally speech on 14/8/1947 carefully: "".

This seems to be consequence of mother nature's plan for this age 

According to Sri Aurobindo, iirc, she wants  humanity to truly master the matter and materialistic aspect of universe  

That's why there is an unprecedented respect for logic based on sensory data in this age

In Puducherry today, delivered inaugural address at the National Workshop on Sri Aurobindo’s World View! Noteworthy was the work of host org, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research (SACAR). Dr Ananda Reddy is the moving force behind. A good no of young students & teachers from many parts was also remarkable!

@narendramodi @AmitShah @JPNadda

Praise for Aurobindo: An Ideologue of New Nationalism

D Dalton
… Now comes a brilliant gem about the early philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, arguably the most underrated yet profound thinker of the nationalist period. An important analysis is Aurobindo’s vital argument for Hindu–Muslim unity, introduced in the rst …… is controverts any interpretation of Aurobindo as an exclusivist advocate of Hindu chauvinism. e nexus of ideas formulated by Aurobindo is … All of this demonstrates the systematic web of thought that Aurobindo ingeniously developed until 1910 …

[PDF] Transformation of Consciousness and Spiritual Power in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

SN Patil
… In his epic Savitri, Sri Aurobindo provides a method to perceive an integral weltanschauung by practicing the integral Yoga. Though the Sadhana done by Ashwapathy and Savitri, Sri Aurobindo introduces his readers to the world of the …


I Block, II Block, D Block III, G Karnad-Hayavadan…
… This monumental work outlines Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of Integral Yoga and provides a comprehensive exploration of the nature of reality, consciousness, and evolution. It addresses fundamental questions about the purpose of existence and …

Morality, Rationality, and Spirituality

RC Pradhan - Ethics, Self and the World: Exploring Metaphysical …, 2024
… assume divine powers (Sri Aurobindo 1973) because of its place in the divine order of things. It can be called the supermind (Sri Aurobindo 1973) if … But this is not the case, because it is amply proved that enlightened reason is also practical (Sri …… But enlightened reason can be made free from these presuppositions, because it itself may assume divine powers (Sri Aurobindo 1973) because of its place in the divine order of things. It can be called the supermind (Sri Aurobindo 1973) if we …

Value Theory

RC Pradhan - Ethics, Self and the World: Exploring Metaphysical …, 2024
… This integral approach to values from the lower to the higher values is the hallmark of the theory of purusharthas (Sri Aurobindo 1985). … to exclude the lower values in the scheme of an integral life (Sri Aurobindo 2000). The lower and the …… from the lower to the higher values is the hallmark of the theory of purusharthas (Sri Aurobindo 1985). … lower values in the scheme of an integral life (Sri Aurobindo 2000). The lower and the higher values … Thus there is a meeting point where both …

Practical Morality

RC Pradhan - Ethics, Self and the World: Exploring Metaphysical …, 2024
Though ethics is meant for the world World , it so happens that the actual world remains unaffected by the ethical ideals. The world does not appear to be the ideal home for the moral values, because there is always a mismatch between what we …… on the basis of their spiritual unity supported by their rational capacity (Sri Aurobindo 1962). If the human beings can rise above their group and … The narrow human mind has to be transformed by greater spiritual effort (Sri Aurobindo (1962) at …

Virtue Ethics

RC Pradhan - Ethics, Self and the World: Exploring Metaphysical …, 2024
… Human beings cannot be mere rational beings, because they have a higher self which is the spirit that goes beyond the reason itself (Sri Aurobindo 1962). From this perspective, it can be argued that the spiritual excellence or virtue is the highest …

[PDF] Gītā psychology: An understanding from philosophy to practice

LJ Mahanta - 2024
The Gītā or Bhagavad Gītā also known Gitopaniṣad is one of the oldest vedantic scripture of Indian philosophy. It is the essence of all the Upaniṣads written almost five thousands years ago by Vyāsa. The central theme of the Gītā is the exploration …

[PDF] Lokasamgraha: A Dynamic Ethical and Social Value In the Bhagavad Gita

F Minz, S Mishra
… like ‘Karma yoga’ (… -yoga, it necessitates that we offer sacrifices to many Gods for their benevolent works and thereby, sacrifice is considered as a work of humans towards the Gods. Such attributed works to God or dedicated action to God is …

[PDF] Human Behaviour in Relation to Happiness in Life Based on Panch Kosha Theory: Indian and Western View of Points

P Kumar - 2024
… The way to achieve the objective of inner peace and happiness are Astang Yoga of Patanjali, Buddhists Vipassana or Integral Yoga of Maharshi Aurobindo. It is the concept of the person concerned and how to adopt the way to the process of peace …

[PDF] Music and mental health

NR Koirala, A Paudel, S Upadhyay, A Koirala - Journal of Psychiatrists' Association of …, 2024
… Music therapy has a long history in Hinduism, based on the concept of Naad Yoga, the yoga of sound. Ancient scriptures mention music … Music has been an integral part of Islamic culture and tradition for centuries. In Islam, music therapy utilizes …

Decoding mindfulness for organisations by exploring the perceptions of mindfulness masters: an indigenous approach

D Saini - International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2024
… controlled, regulated and restrained (Yoga Sutra 1.2). This state is considered the goal and essence of Yoga, representing a doorway to … representing the pinnacle of mental cultivation and attainment of Yoga Samadhi, the ultimate state of Yoga. In …

Indian Philosophy: A Summary: இந்தியத் தத்துவத்தில் ஆசீவகம்

S Sivakamasundari - Journal of Tamil Culture and Literature, 2024
… It is an integral part of Indian culture and has been shaped by a confluence of factors such as practical experiences, beliefs, customs, traditions, scientific … The influence of Ajivika, Jainism, and Buddhism can be traced in later Vedic …

Overcoming The Trap of Overthinking: Stop Overthinking

A Gupta - 2024
… Mindfulness meditation and yoga have also been shown to be effective in reducing stress hormone levels and promoting emotional well-… Both yoga and tai chi have been shown to reduce stress, improve flexibility and balance, and enhance …

[PDF] An Overview on Indian Knowledge System

S Khan, M Sharma - Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2024
… Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedanta, and Vedic sciences, integral components of these systems, remain relevant in the contemporary world. … Incorporating practices like asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), and meditation, Yoga has proven …

[PDF] Hindutva, right-wing extremism, and genocide process

L Zaman - 2024
This thesis paper analyzes to what extent ideas of right-wing extremism, Hindutva, and genocide process evident in texts from important Hindutva actors as Narendra Modi, Yogi Adityanath and Laxmi Dubey and to what extent India can be classified …

[PDF] Is Indian History Being Falsified? Public Interest Trends of Historical Figures, 2004-2023

S Mukhopadhyay
… figures to reshape historical narrative sby promoting right-wing Hindutva ideology. The study investigates these claims by examining changes … There is no evidence to suggest that the legacies of these personalities are being suppressed or …

1 Performing the Constitution as an insurgent document

S Jestrovic, B Dutt - Theatre, activism, subjectivity: Searching for the Left in …, 2024
… By the end of the first term of the BJP, the Hindutva project of establishing Hindu rashtra (Hindu nation) was well in place. Minorities and Dalits, 1 as well as dissident voices even from within the Hindu community, were terrorised and often killed. 2 …

No country for sex workers, then or now: Srijit Mukherji's Begum Jaan (2017) and its many imagi-nations

S Paul - National Identities, 2024
This paper reads the period film Begum Jaan (Mukherji, 2017 ) for its portrayal of Partition of the Indian subcontinent as an event of gendered and sexual violence. In doing so, it explores the biopolitics of sex work at the historical juncture of 1947 and …

The changing dynamics of Indian nationalism in contemporary Hindi movies

R Bhattacharya - National Identities, 2024
… 32), ‘In recent times Hindi film historical(s) have used and manipulated histories in order to stoke communalist sentiments and construct a Muslimness convenient for the use of Hindutva ideology’. Therefore, in Raazi, Sehmat must act as a nationalist …

“Hang the Rapists Immediately”: Rape Vigilantism, State Violence, and Impunity in Contemporary India

C Lakkimsetti - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2024
This essay focuses on increasing public demands for instant justice in response to sexual violence in contemporary India. Through close analysis of a specific event—the brutal 2019 gang rape and murder of a female veterinarian in the southern Indian …

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