Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Love keeps roaming

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

When does a dog feel most satisfied? When it does something for its master. This satisfaction is greater than that when it gets milk and bread. Thus, love keeps roaming, looking for a recipient — like a river searching for the ocean.


#bhagavadgita #yoga


A testimonial from our student Prof. Digvijay Singh Khattri on "Yuddha: Philosophy and Practice of Battles".

#OpenCourseWare #testimonials #testimonialtuesdays #FreeLearning #OnlineLearning #DistanceEducation #EducationForAll #PhilosophyOfWar #YuddhaCourse


Organized Christian Missionary Education in India was pioneered in the Danish colony of Serampore (Shrirampur), West Bengal, as the famous Serampore College, incorporated by Danish Royal Charter in 1827 CE - Pawan Pandey @bhootkrit



Reconnect with Hindu Culture & Temples: 2-day weekend workshops with Prem KV( @premkv12 )

The workshops will cover 'Know your culture', science behind temples, benefits of doing rituals and much more.

Register soon as seats are limited. tatvamasi-premkv.com/usa-workshops

Share this with your friends and family to spread the word.

#Temple #rituals #TempleCulture #workshop @avatans @SaamaanyaJ


Upcoming residential retreat on "Rāga Yoga" - combination of Yoga & Music exploring different rāgās of Indian Classical Music and self-exploration of the mind and its patterns through Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtrās...

#Yoga #IndicaCYS #ragayoga #classicalmusic @SaamaanyaJ  @YogaIndica

Register soon to avail early-bird offer: indica.events/event/raga-yog


In this episode, @anupammanur & @shrikrishna5 question the idea of nobility attached to professions. They discuss how professionals are burdened with restrictions that in turn have skewed the market for delivery of important services.



I believe that the basic indicator of discrimination should not be about the extent of emigration, which can happen for a host of related and unrelated reasons, but about how the Bs who live here are treatedw ,hat opportunities are open (or closed) to them, and how they are


Genuinely asking. Have Brahmins let go of their old ways of exclusion and superiority? Have they attempted to engage with others as equals? I am interested in knowing your opinion.

Which is taking a very ahistorical view. Brahmins have a history of objectionable practices. My questions were aimed at engaging with that and to try and determine change, adjustment, discrimination and so on. 1/n


If you had the courage, intellect and integrity you would have questioned several other communities with far more objectionable/abhorrent practices which caused violence in the very same realms and concerns for which you wrongly blame Brahmins.

No society is completely void of objectionable practices, nothing that Brahmanas did deserve a calling out for an exceptional treatment in isolation.

If you think they did and deserve a singling out against other communities, then you have to present that with detail - university scholars, state intellectuals haven’t done anything apart from scare mongering and witch-hunting.


Since its experiment to "incentivize" ICM failed, The indian deep state designed this new narrative where it will weaponize hypergamy and create conditions where women are forced to go for ICM. 

Did you see this coming? The ultimate aim is destruction of the GC Hindu Male and Hinduism as a whole. 

Its only the GC that doesn't have materialistic benefits to stay Hindu and has no allegiance to any identity or idol that is Hinduphobic. The GC is Hindu simply because it wants to be. 

Once the GC is finished off, the conversion of SC ST OBC to Bhimbism aka Neo Buddhism will start because of their material benefits from and allegiance towards Hinduphobic bluekot idols. 

Once the Muslims realized this strategy, Jamia started similar schemes. 

THE TARGET IS ALWAYS GC HINDU FEMALE. THEY ARE THE FINAL TROPHY (for bhimtas, islamists, reformists) Fin.


The ills of Judiciary are only reflection of the ills of our Constitution

There is no gainsaying that our Judiciary is beset with a lot of problems. It is feudalistic. It has no real skin in the game of doing justice to the people. For, the lawyers on behalf of the contesting parties argue before another lawyer (judge) who decides what is justice. Neither the aggressor nor the victim, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant hardly have any say in it.

The British by planting the alien Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence have created a class of parasites who ensure continuation of this rickety, if not rotten, system.


When you incentivise victimhood it becomes the societal currency. That is the left's mistake. They reduced all human existence to that. Now everyone tries to make most of this victimhood gravy train. But when everyone is a victim, no one is a victim. We live in absurd times.


The tragedy of the majority of Indian socio-political discourse is that it is completely devoid of longitudinal data or specific studies and fully laced with anecdotes. It is not a left or non-left problem. It is an Indian problem where overly emotional people keep jumping from one thing to another.

Not that there is no scope for bad studies. But, despite some bad studies, the only realistic way of deciphering reality is through actual studies or surveys. But the moment I demand some actual evidence, I get excuses. It does not bode well for a society of 1.4 billion people. And YouTubers have gamed this anecdata weakness to the hilt IMO. The entire socio-political landscape is full of anecdote-laden rhetoricians peddling doomsday scenarios on a daily basis.

When I say "Indian discourse," I include the entire diaspora and the goras and goris who cover India too. Sab ke sab anecdote anecdote khelte rehte hai. Let me take this opportunity to insult some more people 


Newton as physicist, OK, tho his physics failed since his Christian superstitions about absolute time (known to his god) crept into it.

In math he only “Christian discovered” Aryabhata’s calculus from 1000 years earlier. Newtonian physics about differential equations.  ../2


The church lied about history for 1700 years (pic1).

But we didn't check even Macaulay’s bogus claim of Western superiority in science in 200 yrs, tho that church argument was used to capture our education system, + minds of the colonised through childhood indoctrination. ../3


So how did colonialism break Indian tradition?

Church captured education system.

1st lesson: teach child date of birth on Christian calendar to remember Jesus myth with every date.

Make Sunday (=church day) holiday etc.

2nd lesson: teach unscientific 24 hour clock.  ../4


INDICA Courses presents

Learn Sharada Lipi! 

Dive into the ancient script of Sharada Lipi and help revive this civilisational treasure:

Have your enrolled at indica.courses/enroll/cohort/…

#SharadaLipi #AncientScripts #IKS @dimplekaul_in @CoreSharada @PeerVeronica @SaamaanyaJ


The Varanavat Conspiracy - what exactly happened?

This episode is narrated in Jatugruha Parva of Mahabharata and covers how the sinister plot to burn Pandava brothers was put in motion by Duryodhana, how it was executed by the evil Purochana, how Vidura's timely warning and assistance prepared the Pandava for it and how eventually they managed to escape.

In this thread we will explore this important episode from Mahabharata, so keep scrolling.


In this video snippet, Thakur A.K. Sinha discusses Eklavya's story and the consequences of his supersonic archery skills, deemed hazardous to Earth. The breach of these standards prompted Guru Dronacharya to ask Eklavya to surrender his thumb to avert potential harm from such activities. View the complete discussion here: youtu.be/X21feG505f8



The West has always been dubious. They lack civilizational foundations and therefore basic sanskars are missing. Their values are only a facade. Long back sri Aurobindo said "there is no parallel to the hypocrisy of the West".  They want to  dominate, and keep others weak


Thoughts on Education: Books and Rituals

Rituals have been the single biggest fatality of modern education.

They have been mocked as irrational, associated with hoax and humbug, and condemned as “untruthful pagan conduct” by the harbingers (and cheap converts) of modernity.

In their stead, books have been tom-tommed as the mediums of Enlightenment, the repositories of ‘factual’ knowledge which are necessary and sufficient for education.

The ‘Enlightened’ brook no disagreement, but is it the final verdict?

In his seminal book, ‘India: A Cultural Decline or Revival’, Prof. Bharat Gupt notes how ‘Enlightenment Fanatics’ denigrade rituals.

He cites Khuswant Singh’s remark,

“I have met people who had been to…pilgrimages: they looked very pleased with themselves. - But I did not notice any changes for the better in them”,

Then Prof. Bharat posits, “It may be asked if rituals are the only methods that fail to alter the conduct of adherents. Books, the revered media of modern print culture are no guaranteed means of enlightenment”

We see the impact of following an exclusively book-centered education on our world today:

Nature has been mauled, corruption and debauchery normalized, society fragmented, families atomized and individuals sucked into the deep abyss of depression.

Is it the plain deficiency of books that produces these ill effects?

Unlikely, books by themselves are valuable ledgers of knowledge.

It is the lack of understanding and imagination of the modern mind that creates a vacuum for āsurīka tendencies to flow in.

Books are a record of knowledge, a snippet into the vast ocean of vidyā (and avidyā).

Unimaginatively used, the modern mind in its usage of books promotes teaching by snippets.

Śrī Aurobindo remarked, “Much of the shallowness, discursive lightness and fickle mutability of the average modern mind is due to the vicious principle of teaching by snippets….The first attention of the teacher must be given to the medium and the instruments, and,- until these are perfected, to multiply subjects of regular instruction is to waste time and energy.”

The bombardment of information, consumption of ever novel and shorter content, followed by the inevitable evaporation of attention spans are a result of the snippet approach.

Unless the learner is oriented first, he can only sit on the shores of human knowledge, unable to ever wrestle with the waves.

“The soul can only receive impulses from another soul, and from nothing else. We may study books all our lives, we may become very intellectual, but in the end we find that we have not developed at all spiritually.”

- Swami Vivekananda

The second aspect of modern education which injures it is its pedigree from the christian era West: A shallow understanding of the mind.

The Western framework aggregates all subtle entities under the name mind.


Join Our Upcoming Webinar - " Aurobindo and Dharma "

What is the future of humanity? What is the role of Sanatana Dharma in the future? Perhaps no one else has spoken more eloquently on this subject than Sri Aurobindo, the Rishi of India’s renaissance.

He prophesied that the renaissance of Sanatana Dharma was both necessary and inevitable.  It is this Sanatana Dharma that has kept Adhyatma (i.e. spiritual wisdom) as its core foundation, insisting on truth, self-knowledge, and harmony as the evolutionary destiny of all humanity

In this webinar, join us with Dr. Sampadananda Mishra who will revisit the principles, core teachings, the Shastras, and practices, in the light of Sri Aurobindo's yoga.

#Webinar #SriAurobindo #Dharma #Spirituality #Philosophy #HinduWisdom #VedicStudies #AurobindoAndDharma

June 8, 2024  , Saturday 
9 AM PT / 12 PM ET /  9: 30 PM IST
Speaker: Dr. @Sampadananda  
Register Now :blog.hua.edu/webinars/aurob
Don't miss this opportunity to delve into spiritual wisdom and philosophical depth.


New Episode! "Accessing Universal Vital Forces Directly or Through Vital Interchange With Others"

reference: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, The Hidden Forces of Life , Ch. 4 Cosmic and Universal Forc…

Player links & show notes:


Good to see my book on Sri Aurobindo is on the long list for the valley of words awards.



Savarkar, SC Bose, Aurobindo, Rani Laxmibai, Lal-Bal-Pal, Bhagat Singh and CS Azad shall be remembered as true nationalists and greatest freedom fighters ever who resisted and fought the British Raj.

Alas! they were sidelined by opportunists Nehru and Gandhi.


Sri Aurobindo and  Veer Savarkar are the two icons  both in spiritual and intellectual terms  who need to be given their due place in the national consciousness of India.

Both were original thinkers,nationalist ideologues and revolutionaries.

Matchless visionaries and scholars.


Sri Aurobindo is in a different league with the likes of Vyasa and Vedic maharishis. Wouldn't put anyone except perhaps for Vivekananda in the same sentence with him.


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