Saturday, October 01, 2005

Remote Viewers

The human body has no definite beginning or end. It is constantly creating itself, again and again, every day. This means that every minute is a kind of genesis and at the same time an ending in which we give up a bit of dust unto dust. If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.

Every breath you take is a creative act. The molecules in the air are random and chaotic. If they happen to enter into your body, they magically acquire a purpose and an identity. Could any act be more creative?

Consider what happens to a single oxygen atom as you breathe it in. within a few thousandths of a second it passes through the moist, nearly transparent membranes of the lungs. It immediately attaches itself to the haemoglobin inside one of your red blood cells. In an instant, a remarkable transformation occurs. The blood cell changes colour, from the dark blue-black of oxygen starved haemoglobin to the bright red of an oxygen rich haemoglobin, and a stray atom of air suddenly becomes YOU. It has crossed the invisible boundary dividing you from the rest of the universe.

Each of us is balanced between the infinite and the infinitesimal. The same protons found in the hearts of stars, which have lived at least 5 billion years, take up residence inside us. The neutrinos that streak through earth in a few billionths of a second are part of us for a brief instant, too…Remember that you are a flowing river of atoms and molecules collected from every corner of the cosmos. You are an outcropping of energy whose waves extend to the edges of the unified field.
Deepak Chopra
[ET-SQ; Tue-150205]

It might not be so incredible to declare that the compositions of all 6 billion human beings as well as the thousands of other species on Earth are, in fact, indistinguishably intertwined, making us soulmates in more ways than one.

Consider this: When a bacterium, weed, starfish, peacock, dog, cat or human dies, decomposition sets in. in the process, the atoms that constitute the body are released into the atmosphere, and they mingle freely, getting interspersed over wide geographical areas. Some might get reconstituted in a short period of time, becoming a part of another, or the same species. Other atoms continue to free float indefinitely, may be for years or even decades, before they submit to another composition. That makes us all parts of one indistinguishable whole, with each having at least some of the ingredients of the other.

Bill Bryson in A Short History of Everything talks about the pervasive nature of atoms:

Atoms are fantastically durable. Because they are so long-lived, atoms really get around. Every atom you possess has almost certainly passed through several stars and been part of millions of organisms on its way to becoming you. We are each atomically so numerous and so vigorously recycled at death that a significant number of atoms – up to billion for each of us, it has been suggested – probably once belonged to Shakespeare. A billion more each came from Buddha and Ghenghis Khan and Beethoven, and any other historical figure you care to name… so we are all reincarnations – though short-lived ones. When we die, our atoms will disassemble and move off to find new uses elsewhere – as part of a leaf or other human beings or drop of dew. Atoms themselves, however, go on practically for ever.
Jahanavi Shandilya
[TOI-CTC; Mon-280205]
So how are we connected, one may ask, with say, the Andromeda Galaxy, which at a distance of 2.2.million light-years, is the most distant object that can be seen with the naked eye? Well, for starters, the fact is that at one time – about 13.7 billion years ago to be precise, when the Big Bang happened – all the stuff that was one day going to make up the Andromeda, along with all the other stuff that would one day make us, were exactly one and the same thing.

Not only that, they were also exactly in one and the same place – the initial singularity; the primordial atom. Nor could they have been anywhere else since there was no other time or place to be in. Then again, we’re connected in another way too. Consider the air we breathe. It’s just matter in a gaseous form consisting of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, less than one per cent carbon dioxide, some water vapour, dust and pollutants and trace amounts of various elements.
In fact, nothing could be dissimilar to ourselves. Yet once this air enters our lungs it oxygenates the blood, which nourishes the tissues, and once it leaves the lungs it carries away all the carbon dioxide wastes taken from the tissues. It’s safe to say the air around us not only becomes part of us continuously but contains a part of us in it as well all the time. That’s how connected we are.
Mukul Sharma
[ET-SQ; Mon-140305]
Although in the everyday world energy is always unalterably fixed (the law of energy conservation is a cornerstone of classical physics), in the quantum micro-world, energy can appear and disappear out of nowhere in a spontaneous and unpredictable fashion. Or as Richard Morris and Paul Davies put it:

The uncertainty principle implies that particles can come into existence for short periods of time even when there is not enough energy to create them. In fact, they are created from uncertainties in energy. One could say that they briefly borrow the energy required for their creation, and then, a short time later, they pay the debt back and disappear again. Since these particles do not have a permanent existence they are called virtual particles. And even though we can’t see them, we know that these particles are really there in empty space because they leave a detectable trace of their activities that have been very accurately measured and described.
Mukul Sharma
[ET-SQ; Fri-250205]

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